
Steinberg nuendo 5
Steinberg nuendo 5

steinberg nuendo 5 steinberg nuendo 5

Not surprisingly, Nuendo is also widespread among companies developing popular video games and agencies creating award-winning commercials. Post-production editors, film mixers as well as live recording engineers around the world rely on the flexibility and industry openness that Nuendo provides. Nuendo 5 empowers professionals working in audio post-production for the film, television and media industry to higher levels of productivity, with a dedicated feature set that focuses on day-to-day production requirements like workflow, speed, versatility and reliability. The beauty of that strategy is obvious: providing the best tools for the requirements of two worlds in specialised dedicated software applications.

steinberg nuendo 5

Cubase continues to provide music tools, whereas Nuendo is the development basis for future solutions in the post-production world. To emphasise the core strengths of Nuendo and Cubase, Steinberg decided to separate the direction of both products more clearly. Starting as a common media tool with enhancements mainly for music producers, Nuendo has seen a rapid evolution to become a powerful software solution that comes into play when audio is synchronised and positioned to picture material. Steinberg Nuendo 5 (Educational): Since its introduction in 2000, Nuendo has gained a huge fan community among audio professionals around the globe. Steinberg Nuendo 5 Education Version Overview

Steinberg nuendo 5